Publication Policy of Applied Entomology and Zoology

Revised March 25, 2010


Applied Entomology and Zoology publishes articles concerned with applied zoology, applied entomology, environmental entomology, agricultural chemicals and pest control in English. Contributions of a basic and fundamental nature may be accepted at the discretion of the Editor. Manuscripts of original research papers, technical notes and reviews are accepted for consideration. No manuscript that has been published elsewhere will be accepted for publication. Technical notes describe a new technique or rearing method, or substantial improvements of existing methods.


The members of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology can submit manuscripts to the Journal free of charge. Non-members can be coauthors, even the first author without charge as long as one of the authors is a member of the society.

For Non-members:

If none of the authors is a member of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology, the authors are expected to pay the cost of publication: the cost per article for original research papers and reviews is 12,000 yen for overseas and 10,000 yen for domestic, and that for technical notes 7,000 yen is for overseas and 5,000 yen for domestic. No charge is applied to invited articles.

Review of Manuscripts:

Each manuscript is sent to at least two qualified referees for critical review. The referees remain anonymous to the author. The members of the Editorial Board decide on the acceptability of the manuscript after taking the referee's advice into consideration. The Editor customarily sends the accepted manuscript to qualified reviewers who can correct errors in phraseology.

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