President's Address

2015-2016 President: Doctor Kikuo Iwabuchi

Photograph of President

Faculty of Agriculture, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology

It is a great honor to be appointed as president of the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology (JSAEZ). I look forward to working with the vice-president and the standing council members in executing the missions of the society, serving the community, and promoting innovation at JSAEZ over my 2-year term from April 2015.

I have special feelings for JSAEZ because it is the academic society where I made my first conference presentation and published my first article. I became a member of the society when I was an undergraduate student. Since then, for over 40 years, I have presented research results through the society and have lately been involved as a standing council member or vice president. JSAEZ is the organization that has nurtured and developed me. Now I shall assume the responsibility of leading the organization and gladly repay my debt of gratitude to JSAEZ.

JSAEZ has a long history since it was created through the consolidation of the Nippon Society of Applied Entomology and the Japanese Society for Applied Zoology. We have various members from multiple fields of entomology and zoology. A large proportion of our members are conducting basic biological research on insects, while others are dealing with themes directly connected to human society, such as agricultural pests, forest entomology, medical entomology, and beneficial insects. Recently, the areas of responsibility of JSAEZ have diversified, including bioinformatics and biomimetics, and now extend to the tackling of practical challenges facing agriculture today, such as damage caused by birds and other animals and genetically modified crops. Hence, the social role of JSAEZ is ever-growing.

Academic societies, in general, are primarily aimed at exchanging information to support the research of members. The annual conference and such journals as eApplied Entomology and Zoology h and gJapanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoologyh are important opportunities for our members to publish their research results and build networks. Under the initiative of the Chief Editor, the editorial office of JSAEZ has shortened the time required between receipt and publication of a paper. To further improve our journals, I plan to reduce running costs by converting the paper media journals to electronic media.

JSAEZ is currently working toward becoming an incorporated association. At present, it is not an association governed by Japanese laws, but only a private association. By becoming an association recognized for high compliance, JSAEZ can enhance its credibility in the world. We shall move forward with the examination of this matter and find the best direction for JSAEZ and all of our members. I would appreciate your kind support and cooperation in these endeavors.

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