応動昆、持続可能な社会を目指して: 一般社団法人 日本応用動物昆虫学会

Japanese l English

Membership categories

In accordance with Clause 6 of the Articles of Incorporation, the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology (JSAEZ) comprises six member categories: regular member, student member, international member, supporting member, associate member, and honorary member. Supporting members can be either persons or groups.

Regular, student, international, and supporting members are requested to agree to the aims of JSAEZ at registration. Student members must submit a student certificate signed by their supervisors. There are two categories for international members: category A comprises members who receive only the digital version of Applied Entomology and Zoology (AEZ), and category B comprises members who receive both the digital version of AEZ and a printed copy of the Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology (JJAEZ). Conversely, associate members in category A receive only a printed copy of JJAEZ, whereas those in category B receive printed copies of both JJAEZ and AEZ. Honorary membership is bestowed on society members who have served for a long time, and with distinction, in the field of applied entomology or applied zoology in Japan.

Honorary members are recommended by the JSAEZ Board of Directors. Regular, student, and honorary members receive a printed copy of JJAEZ and have access to the digital version of AEZ. Members can obtain a paid subscription to the print version of AEZ upon request.

Membership Fees

In accordance with Clause 8 of the Articles of Incorporation, the Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology (JSAEZ) has established membership fees as follows, to be paid annually and in advance.

Membership fees
  • Regular member: 10,000 yen
  • Student member: 5,000 yen
  • International member (A): 7,000 yen
  • International member (B): 12,000 yen
  • Supporting member: 50,000 yen
  • Associate member (A): 12,000 yen
  • Associate member (B): 20,000 yen
  • Honorary member: free of charge