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Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology (JJAEZ)
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Applied Entomology and Zoology (AEZ)
Note that details differ according to the publication year.
Articles published before 2011 (Vols. 1-45)Copyright and repository policies as listed as for JJAEZ.
J-STAGE (JST) Vol. 1 (1966)-Vol. 45 (2010)
Articles published in 2011 or later (Vol. 46-)AEZ is published in print and online by Springer Nature. JSAEZ holds the copyright to the printed version, whereas Springer Nature holds the copyright to the digital version.
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Permission to reproduce
JSAEZ holds the copyright to all articles published in AEZ and JJAEZ. Authors wishing to reproduce all or a part of an article from these journals in other publications must submit a permissions request using the request form provided on the JSAEZ website.
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Form of a request for permission to reproduce, revised February 12, 2023 (MS Word, 43.0 KB)