応動昆、持続可能な社会を目指して: 一般社団法人 日本応用動物昆虫学会

Japanese l English

Applied Entomology and Zoology

  • ISSN: 0003-6862 (print version)
  • ISSN: 1347-605X (electronic version)
  • IF: 1.3 (2023)

The Japanese Society of Applied Entomology and Zoology (JSAEZ) publishes the English-language international journal Applied Entomology and Zoology (AEZ) and the Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology (JJAEZ). Both journals are published quarterly, in February, May, August, and November. These journals publish original research papers, reviews, and technical notes; they are cited in Current Contents. Impact factors for both journals are available from Journal Citation Reports, and their articles are listed in the Web of Science database.

AEZ is an international journal that publishes results of current research in the fields of applied entomology and zoology, including agricultural science. AEZ is published quarterly and produces about 100 articles annually. AEZ contributes greatly to the exchange of scientific information both within Japan and globally; in Asian countries, it is well-known as a major scientific journal. Since 2011, AEZ has been published by Springer Nature. JAEZ society members have online access to AEZ free of charge via the society website. The journal publishes articles on diverse scientific fields including ecology, physiology, behavior, taxonomy, toxicology, molecular biology, environmental science, and food production that are related to pest insects and animals, natural enemies, beneficial insects and animals, and pesticides.

Back issues published before 2011 are available on the J-STAGE website; subsequent issues are available on the Springer Nature website.