Physiological mechanisms underlying environmental adaptation in insects
アメリカ・オハイオ州立大学のDavid L. Denlinger博士をお迎えし,昆虫の環境適応 にかかわる生理学的なしくみ,特にカの休眠の分子機構についてご講演いただきます.また,その後,学生・ポスドク有志による発表も行います.ふるってご参加のほど,よろしくお願いします.
2013年3月30日(土) 14:45-
大阪市立大学 学術情報総合センター1F 文化交流室
主催: 大阪市立大学大学院理学研究科情報生物学研究室
共催: 日本応用動物昆虫学会
The long sleep of winter: a role for insulin signaling in mosquito diapause
David L. Denlinger
Departments of Entomology and Evolution, Ecology and Organismal Biology
Ohio State University, USA
The shortening days and lower temperatures of late summer and early autumn are widely used as environmental cues to program an overwintering developmental arrest (diapause) in insects. This
presentation will present a quick overview of insect diapause and then focus on the overwintering reproductive diapause of the mosquito Culex pipiens. Mosquitoes programmed for diapause are not attracted to vertebrate hosts and instead feed extensively on nectar sources that fuel an impressive accumulation of lipid stores. Insulin signaling appears to be a key regulatory pathway leading to the diapause phenotype. Current experiments are focused on segments of the pathway leading from the use of clock genes to monitor daylength through to the signaling pathways responsible for the enhanced stress resistance, increased longevity, accumulation of fat reserves, and other features that are linked to the diapause phenotype. RNA interference (RNAi) works well in this system and has been the primary tool we have used for identifying the regulatory components involved in the diapause response.
後藤慎介 (大阪市大・院理)