Applied Entomology and Zoology Volume 58 Number 3 に掲載される論文

Applied Entomology and Zoology (AEZ) Volume 58 Number 3に掲載される論文についてお知らせいたします。今回は11報となっています。皆様の積極的な投稿をお願い申し上げます。

Original Research Paper
After spring, after crops: which alternative hosts for the generalist parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae)?
春が終わり、収穫が終わって::ジェネラリストの捕食寄生者Diaeretiella rapae(ハチ目:コマユバチ科)は何を寄主にする?
Stéphane A. P. Derocles・Yoann Navasse・Pauline Gardin・ Christelle Buchard・Anne Le Ralec

Original Research Paper
Varied selectivity of caterpillar-specific Metarhizium rileyi and generalist entomopathogenic fungi against last instar larvae and pupae of common cutworm, Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) 
ハスモンヨトウ Spodoptera litura(チョウ目:ヤガ科)の終齢幼虫および蛹に対するチョウ目幼虫特異的Metarhizium rileyiおよびジェネラリスト昆虫病原性真菌の選択性の多様性
Mulue Girmay Gebreslasie・Oumi Nishi・Naoya Wasano・Chisa Yasunaga‑Aoki
Mulue Girmay Gebreslasie・西 大海・和佐野直也・青木(安永)智佐

Original Research Paper
Effect of quorum sensing inducers and inhibitors on male-killing Wolbachia, the endosymbiont of the adzuki bean borer, Ostrinia scapulalis, (Lepidoptera: Crambidae)
Ardhiani Kurnia Hidayanti・Takafumi N. Sugimoto・Achmad Gazali・Yohsuke Tagami
Ardhiani Kurnia Hidayati・杉本貴史・Achamd Gazali・田上陽介

Original Research Paper
Characteristics of the takeout protein ce-0330 in the silkworm, Bombyx mori (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae)
Takahiro Shiotsuki・Rintaro Suzuki・Wataru Tsuchiya・Toshimasa Yamazaki・Masaru Shimomura・Takuya Tsubota・Takayo Nakakura・Shuhei Henmi
塩月孝博・鈴木倫太郎、土屋 渉・山崎俊正・下村 勝・坪田拓也、中倉貴代・逸見周平

Original Research Paper
Characterization of the atypical Meloidogyne arenaria (Tylenchina: Meloidogynidae) in Japan
日本に生息する特異なアレナリアネコブセンチュウ(ティレンクス亜目:メロイドギネ科)の特性評価Gaku Murata・Toshihisa Yashiro・Taketo Uehara・Kenta Uesugi・Hideaki Iwahori・Takashi Narabu
村田 岳・矢代敏久・植原健人・上杉謙太・岩堀英晶・奈良部孝

Original Research Paper
Sex and strain-specific spectral attraction of Tribolium castaneum (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae): behavioral studies
Sota Sone・Takahisa Miyatake

Original Research Paper
Towards automatic monitoring of insect pests using IoT camera-equipped pheromone traps: a case study for Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Satoshi Kawakita・Tatsuya Sato

Original Research Paper
DIPA-CRISPR gene editing in the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)
Yu Shirai・Momoyo Takahashi・Manabu Ote・Hirotaka Kanuka・Takaaki Daimon
白井 雄・高橋桃世・大手 学・嘉糠 洋陸・大門高明

Original Research Paper
Induction of leaf curling in cassava plants by the cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)
Shun-ichiro Takano・Yoshinori Utsumi・Atsushi Nagano・Satoshi Takahashi・Akihiro Ezoe・Motoaki Seki・Thi Xuyen Le・Keiji Takasu
高野俊一郎・内海 好規・永野 惇・高橋聡史・江副晃洋・関 原明・Thi Xuyen Le・高須啓志

Brief Report
Localization of symbiotic bacteria in embryogenesis of the lesser grain borer Rhyzopertha dominica and the African powderpost beetle Lyctus africanus (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae)
Bin Hirota・Ryuichi Koga・Takema Fukatsu
廣田 敏・古賀隆一・深津武馬

Brief Report
Mating behaviors and multiple mating in the firebrat, Thermobia domestica (Zygentoma: Lepismatidae)
Kei Inada・Toshinori Minemura・Takahiro Ohde・Takaaki Daimon
稲田 圭・峯村俊儀・大出高弘・大門高明

堀 雅敏 (編集委員長)