【応動昆お知らせメール】 297 号


「お知らせメール」 2011/05/09
■■ 目次 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

■ 1 2012年国際昆虫学会セッション7の提案募集のお知らせ

●会員情報変更は https://service.dynacom.jp/odokon/member/ から
■ 1 2012年国際昆虫学会セッション7の提案募集のお知らせ
2012年国際昆虫学会セッション7 Insect related interactions at a
multi-trophic ecosystem では、下記のように提案を募集いたします。
ご質問等ありましたら、高林( junji@ecology.kyoto-u.ac.jp )までご連絡
なお、学会の詳細はホームページ( http://www.ice2012.org/ )をご覧下さい。
(高林純示 京都大学)
Dear Colleagues
The International Congress of Entomology is held every four years and
represents the largest international meeting of entomologists, varying
between 3000-4000 participants. The last Congress was in Durban, South
Africa in 2008 and the next meeting is scheduled for Daegu, South Korea
19-25 August 2012 .
Professor Jeremy McNeil and I have been asked to organise a series of
symposia for Section 7 : Insect related Interactions at a Multi-trophic
Ecosystem Level.
The proposed general themes for symposia are
1. Ecological and Evolutionary Consequences of Insect-Plant Interactions?
2. Plant architecture and Insect Ecology?
3. Induced Defenses and Plant resistance?
4. Comparison of Tropical and Temperate Plant-Insect Interactions?
5. Multitrophic-Level Interactions under Climate Change?
6. Molecular Approaches to understand the Multitrophic Interactions?
7. Ecological Communities in the Multitrophic Web
Each symposium will be constructed of half days blocks, so depending on
the number of speakers and the length of papers any give symposium may
last 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 or 2.0 days
We are writing to ask whether you would be willing to organize a
symposium for any of the themes listed above, or any other that would
fit within the broad theme of Section 7. Although it is not obligatory
it would be nice to consider including a colleague from Korea, or
another Asian country as a co-organiser
If your are interested it would be good if you would contact us with a
title, a list of the co-organisers and the proposed duration of the
The general rules set out for symposia by the ICE organising committee
are included below.
1) No honorarium will be offered to symposium organizers and invited
speakers to each symposium.
2) Symposium organizers can invite as many potential speakers as they want.
However, each symposium should be a half-day, one-full day, one and a
half- day, or two full-days, and so on. In other words, each symposium
should consist of blocks of a half-day.
3) Symposium organizers, in collaboration with the co-chairs of the
Section can also invite some speakers from the generaloral presentations
after abstracts have been submitted
4) Each presentation should be a 15-min block including Q & A. If a
longer talk is necessary, a 30-min talk presentation should be placed in
the first talk.
We prefer to have one long talk for each symposium, if possible. If
Organizers want to have a extended welcoming remark at the beginning, it
should be listed as the first presentation
5) General Discussion and/or Concluding remarks can be included.
6) The morning sessions will start at 09:00; one tea/coffee break (30
min.) in the morning (10:30-11:00); Lunch break & Poster from 12:30 to 14:00
7) The afternoon session will start from 14:00; one tea/coffee break (30
min.) in the afternoon (15:30-14:00); All afternoon sessions will finish
by 18:00.
We look forward to hearing from you. If you know of other scientists who
might be interested in organising a symposium in Section 7, please do
not hesitate in sending them this information
Junji Takabayashi and Jeremy McNeil

■ 本メールは、日本応用動物昆虫学会会員の方へ、
■ 常任評議員会の承諾を得て、電子広報委員会が配信しています。

■ 本メールに関するお問い合わせは、
■ mailto: manager-AEZ@naro.affrc.go.jp まで お願いいたします。

■ 日本応用動物昆虫学会 website http://odokon.org/
